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The Importance of Having a Malware Scanner

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malware scanner
Here we go with another security blog!

This time we are going to discuss the importance of having an Antivirus and a Malware Scanner on your system, which ones are the best, and what could be happening without you knowing.

First, it is really important to run scanners weekly or at the very least once a month. Antivirus scanners will find viruses and trojans which have installed themselves on your system, and most of them are quite effective at doing this. Virus infections are becoming rarer but they are still just as dangerous.

The real upcoming threat is that of Malware, which is malicious code that hijacks security settings, modifies permissions, installs software and applications which spam you with pop ups, and change how your internet browser functions. Some of the worst ones can lock your computer down or even make it unusable.

Then there is Ransomware which is as bad as it sounds. This form of Malware encrypts files on your computer and then wants money in return for the key to unlock and decrypt the files. Without backups, this can destroy a business.

So now that we’ve established the need for a malware scanner, what should you have?

There are two types of scanners – paid and free. Paid is usually better but there are quite a few really good free alternatives. When we talk about paid, we usually recommend Viper and Bit Defender. When it comes to free, you can’t go wrong with Komodo and Sophos Antivirus.

Next up we have Malwarebytes, which is by far the best Anti – Malware Scanner out there, and it is free to boot! Don’t just take our advice however – do your research and find one that fits your needs. If you need help selecting one give us a call and we will gladly assist!

As mentioned earlier, there is a huge uprising in Ransomware and Malware attacks which come in the form up email scams, pop ups disguised as updates or advertisements, and pop ups designed to scare you into thinking something is actually wrong.

The best course of action if you suspect a virus attack is to remove your computer for any network or internet access device and run the scanners we mentioned above to find and remove the infection. If you have one of the rare versions of Malware which makes your computer unusable, bring it by our shop and we will get it cleaned up for you.

Remember, be safe and take security in your own hands to protect your equipment. We are here to help so don’t hesitate to reach out as well!

Stay safe everyone!

Frankenstein Computers has been taking care of our happy clients since 1999. We specialize in IT Support, IT Service, MAC repair, PC Repair, Virus Removal, web design and much more.  Give us a call for remote support or drop in to drop off.