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Spring Means Spring Cleaning!

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clean up

Spring is almost over and that means (if you have not already) its time to clean up!

But spring cleaning should not just mean tidying up around the home and office, its time to clean up your computer as well!  And Frankenstein Computers is here to help! Computer clean up actually means two different things, your hardware as well as your software. Most computers in the world have an average life of about 5 years.  After that 5 year mark the first things to go are the moving parts and one of those is your computer’s fan.

Just like a fan in your home a fan that never gets cleaned will eventually bog down with dirt, dust and grime making it harder and harder to spin over time.  Eventually it just can’t keep your system cool, can break its bearings and your computer just turns off!

Also, have you ever been using your laptop and it just seems to get much hotter than it used to?  That could mean that your fan no longer doing its job.  If you have a laptop, a quick couple bursts from a can of air in your laptop vent cant really extend its life.

Desktops typically require you to open up the case to get to its fan but it sure does help, if you are not comfortable opening up your computer, let Frankenstein do your cleaning for you! But that is not all!  Is your Windows fully up-to-date?  How about your anti virus?  Do you have any programs that load on your computer when Windows launches?  What about space?  If your hard drive is starting to fill up and you are not sure why, your system’s temp files or update & installation folders could be getting too large and need to be cleaned out.

Are some of your web browsers acting strange?  You could be infected with a rootkit, messing with your browser settings and not even know it.   These are all things that Frankenstein computers takes care of and  more if you need a clean up done on your computer.

Want to make sure there are no viruses or malicious programs bogging down your computer?  Frankenstein Computers is still the best company in Austin for virus removals. Do not forget your computer when you start your spring cleaning, and let Frankenstein give you a hand, give us a call or stop on by – no appointment necessary!

Frankenstein Computers has been taking care of our happy clients since 1999. We specialize in IT Support, IT Service, MAC repair, PC Repair, Virus Removal, web design and much more. Check out what our clients are saying about us on Yelp!