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Ransomware is on the rise

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ransomware is on the rise

Ransomware is on the rise and is set up for a record year in 2017.

As Ransomware takes over your computer and encrypts all of your files you will not even know it. Then, once it is done on your system it will crawl out to the entire network and will encrypt any shared files that it finds.

This could possibly encrypt/destroy all shared files on all of the servers. This would be very bad and would costs thousands of dollars to recover from. So, be careful when you are online and when you are opening emails.


Just because you are on a reputable site that does not mean that one of the banners could be compromised. If something pops up stating that you have a virus DO NOT click on it. Please stop what you are doing and get in contact with Frankenstein Computers. Again, DO NOT click on the “you have a virus” pop up.


Be cautious about unsolicited attachments. The crooks are relying on the dilemma that you should not open a document until you are sure it’s one you want, but you can’t tell if it is one you want until you open it. If in doubt, leave it out. Attachments can look like PDFs or Excel sheets or even Word documents.

If you do not know who the email is from DO NOT click on any attachments. One of the biggest scams looks like a delivery PDF from FEDEX or UPS stating that you have a delivery. If you click on this, you will be infected. These guys are very sneaky so please be vigilant to make sure you know exactly what you are clicking on.

If you get infected…

If you should ever see a full page message stating that you have been infected and need to pay money to get your files back turn your computer off immediately by pushing the power button and holding it in until it turns off. Then contact us here at  Frankenstein Computer about what your next steps should be.

Frankenstein Computers has been taking care of our happy clients since 1999. We specialize in IT Support, IT Service, MAC repair, PC Repair, Virus Removal, remote support, web design and much more. Check out what our customers have to say about us on Yelp!