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Is your computer crawling?

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Have you noticed that your system normally runs great but lately it seems to be crawling at a snail’s pace?

Does it take a long time to boot up to the operating system just so you can log in? Once you are logged in does it seem like it is taking forever to open any software and once it is open the response time is very slow and even becomes unresponsive at times? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, there are several things you can do to get everything running well again and not having to worry about a sluggish workstation.

Most day-to-day users do not realize that when you are working in any piece of software or browsing the web you are creating temp files that get stored on your local C: Drive which if not cleaned out can take up a lot of storage space and cause performance issues. In order to make sure these items are cleaned out you simply need to go into your file explorer, locate your C: Drive through “This PC”, then locate the Windows folder first and scroll down until you find the “Temp” folder. In that location, all of the files in that folder can be removed.

There is a second location that stores temp files that can be found in your “User” folder back at the C: Drive list. Once in that folder you will need to locate your main profile username folder, then select local, and if it is not enabled you will need to go to the view option at the top of your file explorer menu and make sure that the hidden items option is selected which will allow you to view the app data folder. Once enabled you will need be able to locate the temp folder within that location and clear out those files as well.

Next, there are a few tools you can find from the web that will help keep your system clean and running as it should. The first tool that is easy to use is called CCleaner. Simply find the product through a Google search, install and run it. There is no need to pay for the service, so the free version works just fine. This helps clean up any additional temp files, digs through your browsers for any trackers and cleans out cookies and unwanted search history among other things.

There are also tools out there for the type of workstation you are running. For instance, if you have a Dell there is a tool you can install and run called Dell SupportAssist that helps locate any needed updates and drivers, optimizes your network, as well as performs hardware testing.

Also, speaking of updates it is very important that you are checking for available Windows updates when you have the time to do so. Ignoring updates for too long can not only cause issues with software performance but system performance in general. There are other items you can go through to make sure everything is up to snuff but what I have mentioned so far are the main aspects that you should keep in mind for general system maintenance.

If you are performing these steps and are still having issues you might need to investigate the hardware side of things such as your RAM, hard drive type and space, and CPU but that is an entirely different subject. If this is an area that interests you or you have tried everything and are still having issues, please do not hesitate to contact us here at Frankenstein Computers and Networking and we will be happy to assist as always.

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Why Is My Computer Running Slowly?

A slow computer can be due to various reasons, including too many startup programs, outdated software, insufficient RAM, or malware infections. Regular maintenance can help improve performance.

How Can I Speed Up My Computer’s Boot Time?

To speed up boot time, disable unnecessary startup programs, update your operating system, and consider upgrading to an SSD. These steps can significantly reduce the time it takes for your computer to start.

What Tools Can I Use to Optimize My Computer’s Performance?

Use tools like CCleaner to clean up junk files, Malwarebytes to remove malware, and system utilities like Disk Cleanup and Defragmenter. These tools help keep your computer running smoothly.

Why Are Windows Updates Important for System Performance?

Windows updates provide essential security patches, bug fixes, and performance improvements. Keeping your system updated ensures it runs efficiently and is protected against vulnerabilities.

What Should I Do If I’ve Tried Everything and My Computer Is Still Slow?

If your computer is still slow, consider consulting a professional. Deeper issues, such as hardware failures or severe malware infections, might require expert attention.