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Google Drive is now Google Backup and Sync

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backup and sync

Backup and Sync

The long standing free service of Google Drive, that is included with every Google account, has received a face lift and update. The cloud storage service offers 15GB of space shared across all your Google account services, including Gmail, Photos, and Docs. If you are using Google Drive to synchronize your drive’s contents to your computer and vice-versa you may not be doing so anymore. There has been a slight bug with the software automatically updating to the new Backup and Sync engine. The updater will install but will not run, this disables the synchronizing of your data to your account’s storage.

However, this is easily remedied. Simply open your programs or apps menu and look where Google Drive used to be. You should now have an icon titled “Google Drive is now Backup and Sync from Google”. If you run this program is will restart the application and begin synchronizing the data from your Google Drive. A small warning, this will only synchronize the data FROM your google drive to your computer the first time.

In order for it to work properly you must manually upload changes that you have made to the files stored on your computer to your Google Drive storage online. This can be done with simple “drag and drop”. After the upload completes the Google Drive will have the most up to date versions of the files and will begin synchronizing to all connected devices using your Google account. If you have any questions about using the Backup and Sync from Google, just give us a call here at Frankenstein Computers and we will be more than happy to assist.

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