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How To Get The Windows 10 Creators Update

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windows 10 creators update

It is April and the Windows 10 Creators Update is happening.

Microsoft formally announced the release date for the Creators Update earlier this month and shed a little light on how the roll out will take place. As with the Anniversary Update, the roll out will be slow. Users on newer devices will get the update first.

You can choose to wait for the update to roll out to you but that could take as long as two months. The good news is if you are already running Windows 10, you can force the update with the Update Assistant. Here is how:

What You Need

A Few Precautions

Make sure all available updates have been installed on your system. To be on the safe side, start the download and update process from your Administrator account and not a local or non admin account. The Update Assistant will download and install the Windows 10 Creators Update.

If you use a local account to upgrade, the app will ask for administrative rights before it begins to download files and before it installs the update. That said, it is still possible the update may fail. It is best to use the admin account. If you have experienced trouble with Windows updates in the past, particularly the Anniversary Update, it is a good idea to back your system up and or create a restore point in case things go south.

Download The Creators Update

Run the Update Assistant app. It will tell you what the current Windows 10 version on your system is and which one you will be upgraded to. The Creators Update is version 15063. Click the ‘Update Now’ button at the bottom right. It will check if your PC meets the minimum requirements for the update and the download will begin after a brief countdown.

You can click ‘Next’ and skip the countdown altogether. Once downloaded and you start the update, you will not be able to use your system until it is complete. If you are in the middle of something, it is best to complete it before you begin installing the Creators Update.

Ideally, if the update fails the Update Assistant will roll it back and return you to the Anniversary Update version. Your files will still be there as will all your apps. The upgrade, regardless if it is successful or not, will leave your files and apps untouched.

If Things go South

Give us a call – Frankenstein Computers in Austin can help with all your computer, networking, and general IT support needs!

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