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Chrome Extensions

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chrome extensions

Like many others, if your internet browser of choice is Google Chrome then you may be aware of the extensions that are offered such as AdBlock Plus or Google Hangouts which allow additional features such as stopping annoying pop ups from websites or a chat option to keep in contact with friends or colleagues.

As helpful and resourceful these options can be, that does not mean there are not some extensions out there that can attach themselves to your Chrome browser that are malicious and contain malware which cause excessive pop ups and can completely ruin your browsing experience.

On the other hand, the good news is that Google announced this week that it will be cracking down on Chrome add-ins that are as noxious to the browser as spam is to email. To give itself authority to scrub spam-like extensions from the e-market, Google added some new rules that will be enforced starting Aug 27, 2020 or two days after the currently scheduled release date for Chrome 85.

The developers have lumped the anti-spam guidelines into five categories which are the following:

  • Multiple extensions that perform the same task or provide the same experience.
  • Add-ons that include more than five keywords embedded in the metadata, or use the same word or phrase more than five times in the Chrome Web Store description. Potentially misleading or irrelevant metadata is also forbidden.
  • Extensions whose only purpose is to install, launch, or open another app or website.
  • Developers from trying to game the placement of add-ons in the e-market by, for instance, inflating installation counts or reviewing their own wares.
  • Add-ons that use notifications to deliver spam, ads or unwanted messages.

These are all excellent guidelines to be aware of if you are a regular Chrome user and have struggled with wondering why you are experiencing often random pop ups or are being redirected to and foreign search engine or website that you were not trying navigate to in the first place. Now, this is not to say that other browsers such as FireFox and Microsoft Edge do not have extension capabilities and if you are running into issues with Chrome you should switch your preference.

Until the August release date of these guidelines, we at Frankenstein Computers and Networking have the knowledge and will to assist with anything malicious or frustrating that is dampening your Chrome browsing experiences.

As always, if this subject sparks your interest or if you have been running into any issues you require assistance with please contact us at Frankenstein Computers and Networking for all your IT needs.

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