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The Importance of Cybersecurity

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the importance of cybersecurity

The importance of cybersecurity is no longer something that can be pushed off or not worried about as large or small, all of our clients see daily attacks against their networks. We currently have over 800 business clients and all of them have some sort of attack daily in their security logs.

Business Grade Firewall…
The first thing to do is to make sure you have a business grade firewall in place. We find that most new clients that we get are using residential grade routers which do not offer much protection from attacks. It has been stated that a hacker can gain access to a residential grade router in less than a minute in most cases which means bad news for your office data. We have experience with many different brands of firewalls but have come to trust SonicWALL. We have hundreds of SonicWALLS deployed and rarely have an issue with their security or performance.

Open Ports…
The second thing to do is to close all open WAN facing ports from your network. We run port scans against new client networks all of the time and usually find glaring issues. Think about an open port as an open door. It’s not like leaving your house and forgetting to lock your door, it’s like leaving the door wide open. We can port scan your network and then get back to you about your current open ports and how to close them.

It is always a good idea to use a strong password, something with lower/upper case letters, numbers, and special characters. The password length should be at least 6 characters but 10 would be much better. A strong password with 10 characters will usually be enough to beat a hacker or at least take so long to break that they will move on to an easier target.

There is a lot more than these three items to network cybersecurity but, if you have these three completed, you stand a much better chance of fending off an attacker.

Frankenstein Computers has been taking care of our happy clients since 1999. We specialize in affordable IT Support, Cyber Security, IT Service, IT Security MAC repair, PC Repair, Virus Removal, web design and much more. Give us a call for remote support or drop in to drop off. Check out what our clients are saying about us on Yelp!