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Moving with Computers?

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boxes ready to move

Having recently moved our office from one location to another, there are a few things we learned about the process.

One of which is, plan, plan, PLAN! There are quite a few things that you need to keep in mind when moving your business. If you don’t plan ahead, you and your business could suffer. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  1. Internet Provider – most providers will take from 30 to 90 DAYS to move existing services from one location to another. Make sure you have coordinated with your representative to make sure the timing of that move is in line with your office move.
  2. Telephone Service Provider – while they are generally faster when it comes to moving service, they still need some time to prepare the phone circuits for the switch over, and if you are moving from one town to another, it may take even longer.
  3. Clients / Customers – make sure you give them plenty of time as well; we wouldn’t want them sending your payment to your old location.
  4. Vendors – make sure your products keep moving and keep your customers happy.
  5. Network / Phone cabling at the new location – make sure your infrastructure is in place and ready to go before you move. This will reduce a lot of headaches on moving day.

And lastly, 6. Moving the computers and equipment itself – label the parts of the systems as to where they go as you take them out, that way you get your keyboard and mouse when you get to the other end. Make sure your equipment is securely packaged and ready for the trip. I have seen several systems and servers that didn’t survive a move.

If you need assistance with any of these, or ANY other I.T. related issue, feel free to give us a call and we can help you out.

Frankenstein Computers has been taking care of our happy clients since 1999. We specialize in affordable IT Support, Cyber Security, IT Service, IT Security, Office 365, Cloud, VOIP, SPAM, Wireless, Network Design, MAC repair, PC Repair, Virus Removal, remote support, web design, on site support and much more. Check out what our clients have to say about us on Yelp!