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Backing Up Your Business

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reliable back-ups

With so many threats to business data, from inside technical problems to outside environmental scares, there is no reason that every business should not have up to date, reliable back-ups. There are options to fit different needs and styles, and different levels of automation. Backups typically come in two forms; on site and online.

With on site backups, there are two methods: manual backups, where you handle them personally every time; and automatic backups, where you coordinate the backup settings and times, and let them run on their own. Now, once you are ready to set up on site backup, there are different types to consider from there: incremental backups, where there is just one large initial backup, and then only changes are backed up after that; as well as full backups, where each session backs up all the data every time.

While manual backups may be adequate for personal use, this is typically not recommended for businesses, as the chance for human error is simply too great for such important data.

If you choose to do the automatic backups, there are some things to keep in mind. There are dozens of programs available, but it is up to you to make sure your choice is set up properly. Often, when setting up an automatic backup, people will simply set up their profile to backup, instead of the full system, in order to save space.

While this can be adequate, it is important to keep in mind that you may be using programs that save their data in strange locations. QuickBooks, for example, creates its own folder outside of your profile, where it stores all your databases. TurboTax, and other accounting software, can often save data in obscure locations, as well. So, if you are doing a specific backup, it is very important to think about all the programs you use, to make sure you have their data backed up.

On site backups are great for ease of access, granting you the ability to quickly pull from them, whenever you would like; however, this may not be secure enough for your business. What happens to your business records if there is a fire, or any other on location problem that could arise, resulting in the loss of your backups? This is where online, or cloud, backups can be a saving grace, and there are dozens of options out there.

Some may have trepidation about exposing their company’s data to online storage. If this is not an option you are comfortable with, you should at least keep off-site backups, as well as the copies on site. It is a simple matter to save an additional copy, and store it at home, or another safe location.

With so many options available to make sure your data is safe and secure, there is simply no reason for data loss not to be easily recovered. Frankenstein Computers helps numerous companies maintain their backups to ensure complete and up to date storage, and we would love to help you as well!

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