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Computers and HEAT!

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100 degree heat

In Austin, Tx we are currently at our 50th day of over 100 degree heat, and there is a chance for rolling blackouts if the heat continues, which with no end in sight right now, I’m sure it will.

With the level of heat it is very important to remember that any prolonged exposure to this much heat can damage a computer system, mainly a hard drive. Hard drives that exceed the manufactures heat guidelines could cause disk failures, which could result in lost data. I have my computer desktop at home at a desk where they have a cabinet to store the system, so it’s hidden.  Now this looks great because you see my office area and not a big desktop computer, but the only air circulating in there is from a tiny hole in the back where the cords connect to the power outlet.

So whenever I’m going to turn that system on, I open the cabinet door  so that the system would stay cooler, keep in mind if I didn’t that cabinet would be several degrees warmer, which in this heat is not a good plan. So just keep in mind what heat can do to your system and if you do start seeing disk failure warnings or experience any other issues with your system, give Frankenstein Computers a call.

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